Fee questionnaire

Fee proposal initial questions

Question instructions
In order to determine accurately what liquor licensing assistance you need from us, please answer each question. If you are not sure, then answer "I am unsure".

Once you are satisfied that you have correctly answered each question, press the "submit" button at the bottom of the page to submit your questions for us to review. We will then come back to you with a formal fee proposal.

What is your name?
What is your mobile number?
What is your email address
What is (or what will be) the TRADING/ BUSINESS name of your business
What is the FORMAL address of your business
In which local council area is your business located in?
What type of assistance do you require? (tick all that apply)
I want to vary a liquor licence I already have
I want to apply for a new liquor licence on a premises I already operate
I want to apply for a new liquor licence on a premises I am considering operating from
I want to transfer an existing liquor licence
I need to re-locate the existing licence
I am unsure
If you are intending to transfer or vary an existing licence. if you know the licence number, enter it here.
If you have a copy of the Licence, please attach a copy here
What type of liquor licence do you intend to operate under?
General licence
On-premises licence
Packaged Liquor licence
Pre-retail licence
Producer's licence
Remote sellers licence
Renewable limited licence
Restaurant & Cafe licence
I am unsure
What number of patrons do you think your premises will cater for?
I am intending to transfer an existing licence and will accept the patron capacity that is already on the current licence
I am intending to operate under a packaged / pre-retail / remote seller's / renewable limited licence, which does not need a patron capacity
Under 100
101 - 200
Over 200
I am unsure
For new liquor licences or where you want to change or vary an existing licence, town planning from your council MAY be required
I am transferring a licence and won't need planning
I have a planning permit
I have a town planner applying already
I will require assistance with town planning
I am unsure
If you already have a Council issued planning permit, please attach it here
If you already have a Council endorsed plan, please attach it here
If you are intending to vary your current liquor licence, I want to
I am not varying a licence
Increase my trading hours
Increase my patron capacity
Increase my licensed area
Change a condition of my licence
I am unsure
Do you have a floor plan of the premises that meets the standard that is attached here? Floor Plan (539kB)
Yes, I have a copy
No, but I have a rough version
No I do not have a copy
I am unsure
If you have your floor plan - please upload here
For new PACKAGED or REMOTE SELLER'S Licence applications - are you intending to deliver within 2 hours of accepting an order?
I am unsure
I am not applying for a packaged licence
If you are intending to operate with a packaged licence, will you be operating the business which includes other uses?
No, I will not be operating under a packaged licence
No, it will be a stand alone bottle shop
Yes, it will be part of a supermarket - which must be over 240 square metres in size
Yes, it will be part of a convenience store that is under 240 square metres in size
I am not sure
What is the latest you are wanting to trade until?
Before 11PM
I am unsure
How are you intending to operate your business?
Sole trader
An incorporated club or association
I am unsure
If you are going to operate as a company, what is the COMPANY name?
If you are intending to operate as a company, club or association, how many directors will the business have?
I will not be operating as a company, club, or association
Only 1
2 - 3
4 or more
I am unsure
When do you anticipate wanting to have the liquor licence granted
I have already taken possession of the business and need it immediately
Within the next month
Within the next 3 months
Within the next 3 - 6 months
In more than 6 months time
I am unsure
Most licence types will require that you undertake New Entrant Training.
I have completed New Entrant Training
I need to complete New Entrant Training
I am unsure
If you have a copy of your new entrant training certificate, please attach it here
Most licence type require that you have completed RSA training within the last 3 years.
I have completed RSA within the last 3 years
I need to complete RSA
I am unsure
If you have a copy of your RSA Certificate, please attach it here.
How did you find out about us and the services we offer
Google search
Word of mouth
I am a previous customer
A friend / colleague recommended us
Liquor Control Victoria
Liquor Plan - Town Planners